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biosphere stewardship

Anthropocene: a very short introduction

Ellis, E.C. (2018)


A splendid introduction and summary of our place on this planet, the full scope of our impact, and what it all means for our future as a species. Captures much of the perspective driving Project Fjorgyn.


Quote - Dr. Frankenstein's crime was not that he invented a creature through some combination of hubris and high technology, but rather that he abandoned the creature to itself.​

How to Save our Planet: the facts

Maslin, M. (2021)


An energetic, rapid fire succession through the crisis we face today and what we can and should do about it as individuals, corporations, and governments.


Quote - We do not have time for the revolution: we must use current systems to start to save our planet.​

Importance of Amphibians

West, J. (2018)​

An incredible summary of the value of amphibians to everything from agriculture, to medicine, to ecology.


Quote - In fact salamander-derived energy accounts for 20% of the energy used by birds and reptiles in New Hampshire forests​

Putting people in the map: anthropogenic biomes of the world

Ellis, E.C. and Ramankutty, N. (2008)


A wonderful summary of just how entangled we are with the planet's biomes. 


Quote - Beginning with the first mention of ecology in school, the biosphere has long been depicted as being composed of natural biomes, perpetuating an outdated view of the world as “natural ecosystems with humans disturbing them”.

'Earth System' Analysis: and the second copernican revolution

Schellnhuber, H. J. (1999)


A concise and original summary of why we need earth system modeling in order to propel ourselves into a positive future. 


Quote - An ever-evolving Earth-observation system will allow S [human civilization] to watch its own footprints on the ecosphere, and Earth simulation-simulation models will enable S to make collective 'rational choices' on the system's level.​

Forests Adrift: currents shaping the future of northeastern trees

Canham, C. D. (2020)


A very readable, insightful, and data driven summary of northeastern forest ecosystems and modeling.


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